IBM Watson – The rise of the (thinking) machine

I remember a few years ago, speaking on topics of AI and thinking machines, only to be critiqued (by some, not all) of my analyst colleagues for having expectations well beyond accepted realms of timescales and possibility. Visiting IBM’s World of Watson event in November proved that not only was I right, but even (dare I say it) not aggressive enough on my expectations. Continue reading

IBM : Connected and InterConneted

IBM, known by many as the world’s IT ‘super tanker’, is transforming their image of former years, to a one that’s more innovative, approachable, cool, connected and industry focused.

The message from both IBM’s PartnerWorld and InterConnect conferences (held a few weeks ago in Las Vegas, NV) is one of change. They (and their partners) are clearly excited by a new era of opportunities. One that will be driven, to a large part, by the dynamics of today’s more connected and insightful world. Continue reading